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January 2019 – Sirtuins Health

Sirtuin Deacetylate Process

    In the 1970's, Dr. Amarklar discovered the Gene SIR2. Keep in Mind this is One out of Seven Sirtuin Genes in Our Cells that Consist of Universal Functions of Our Bodies. In the Last 10 Years Incredible discoveries have been Made!     In Scientific Terms, Sirtuins remove Acetyl groups from other Molecules. This Process is called Deacetylation. In Short…

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Sirtuins as Proteins

    Sirtuins nicknamed "the Longevity Genes" consist of Seven Proteins within the Inner Cell help Regulate Cellular Health. Structurally Sirtuin Genes placed in the Mitochondria, Cytoplasm and our DNA communicate through Proteins. In order to Breakdown and Build Up Proteins to Transfer Electrons and Nutrients, Sirtuins need NAD (Organic Energy) to Function at it's Highest Levels.     Exercise, Diet and…

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Sirtuins and Enzymes

Sirtuins Regulation of Biological processes Fundamentally involve some Enzymatic Activities throughout the Body. Within the Inner Cell Structure, Sirtuin Active Enzymes work between Mitochondria, Cytoplasm and the DNA in a Combined Effort to keep Communication Open and in Working Order. Here is the Big News:NAD (or Energy) are Needed to keep Sirtuins Functioning Properly. As NAD Levels Decline with Age, it Would be…

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Relationship Between Energy and Sirtuins

    The Relationship Between Energy (NAD) and Sirtuins dates back to the Foundation of Cell Development. Both have Roles in Regulating Energy Metabolism. This Relationship together Orchestrates Foundational Aging and Longevity Demonstrations. As NAD (Energy) transfer decreases overtime, Sirtuin Function within our cells Lose Communication between the Mitochondria and the Cell Nucleus.     The Need for Certain Daily Activities can't…

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Regulate Cellular Health with Sirtuins

Regulate Cellular Health with SirtuinsLet's Visualize each Cell in your Human Body as individual companies working under the same Government. On a Broad Scale, Our Cells have Unique ways of Producing Results, yet Working towards the Overall Goal Towards One Body. To Dive deeper into the Human Cell, Let's examine what the Term "Sirtuins" has to Play in the Operation. What is…

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Benefits of Activated Sirtuins

Source: About NAD  Promotes healthy mitochondrial function, which is an important component of human aging2Supplementation of an NAD+ precursor for one week in aged mice reversed their mitochondrial dysfunction and returned mitochondrial health and key biochemical markers of muscle health to levels similar to a young mouse1,2Increases sirtuin activation, improving mitochondrial activity to help prevent cellular damage due to free radicals2,3 …

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Science Research Studies

Source: About NAD A Study to Assess the Effects of Nicotinamide Riboside on Cognitive Function, Mood and Sleep in Older Adults  Effects of Nicotinamide Riboside on Metabolism and Vascular Function The Effects of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) on Brain Function and Cognition  Study to Evaluate the Effect of Nicotinamide Riboside on Immunity Effect of Nicotinamide Riboside and Pterostilbene Supplementation on Muscle Regeneration in Elderly HumansNAD+…

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Leading to Sirtuins History

1906 – NAD was discovered by Arthur Harden and William John Young. 1929 – Hans von Euler-Chelpin won the Nobel Prize with Arthur Harden for their investigation into fermentation 1936 – Otto Heinrich Warburg showed how NAD functions in fermentation reactions.  1938 – Conrad Elvehjem discovered “anti-black tongue factor,” the first vitamin precursors of NAD. 1940 – Arthur Kornberg discovered the…

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Sirtuins Longevity Control

Sirtuins and NAD+ in Aging / Longevity Control Source: Nature MagazineAbstractThe coupling of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) breakdown and protein deacylation is a unique feature of the family of proteins called ‘sirtuins.’ This intimate connection between NAD+ and sirtuins has an ancient origin and provides a mechanistic foundation that translates the regulation of energy metabolism into aging and longevity control in…

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sirtuins in aging and disease

Article from PUBMED:NAD+ and sirtuins in aging and disease. AbstractNicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD(+)) is a classical coenzyme mediating many redox reactions. NAD(+) also plays an important role in the regulation of NAD(+)-consuming enzymes, including sirtuins, poly-ADP-ribose polymerases (PARPs), and CD38/157 ectoenzymes. NAD(+) biosynthesis, particularly mediated by nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT), and SIRT1 function together to regulate metabolism and circadian rhythm. NAD(+) levels decline…

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